변호사 이남경의 소개

변호사  이남경



서울대학교 법과대학원 
석사 과정 수료

미국 프랭클린 피어스 로 센타
지적재산권법 석사 학위 취득

서울대학교 약학대학
졸업,  약학사 취득

이남경법률사무소; 변호사, 변리사

주요업무성과: 형사(마약, 성폭력범죄, 증권사기 등 특수 범죄 변호), 민사, 가사, 혼인 중 부부계약(이혼 없는 손해배상계약), 별거 중 양육비, 부양료 합의 등 가족관계 법률관계 새로운 영역 확장

법무법인 다래; 변호사, 변리사

주요업무성과: 지적재산권 관련 업무[특허법원 심결취소소송(DHA 관련 원천특허관련 승), 민사 업무: 디자인침해소송(냉장고정리용기관련 디자인침해소송가처분이의 승, 본안 소송 유리하게 전개 중), 의약품허가특허연계제도 자문 및 신고서 작성 대리(연계특허 분석 및 식약처 품목허가신고서 작성 등), 형사업무(집행유예기간이 많이 남은 피고인 검에서 불구속수사 및 구약식처리 성공, 아동청소년보호법 관련 사범 검사 직접 청구 구속영장 기각 성공, 검찰 직인지 사건 구약식 처리 성공, 기소중지 4건 체포영장 2건 구인장 1건 피의자 자수 및 불구속 수사지휘 유도 성공 등 다수). 검사 10년 동안 쌓은 수사 노하우로 새롭고 특이한 분야 업무도 수사하듯이 기초자료를 수집하여 그 분양에 대한 이해를 하고 핵심을 깊이 파고 들어 집요하게 유리한 증거를 찾아 전세 역전시키고 승리. 집요함과 창의성으로 연전연승 업무능력 탁월.

변호사 이남경 법률사무소; 변호사, 변리사
2011.03-2013. 10

주요업무성과: 부산교육감 뇌물수수, 양주시의원 뇌물수수, 사학명문고 교장 배임수재, 화재보험 사기, 마약 사건, 수억원대물품대금 사기, 금융 사기, 경매 무단 취하 배임, 가장임차권 사기, 10대 장애녀 강간 등 각종 성폭행, 도주차량 교통사고, 개발제한법위반, 부국철강 철근 대금 관련 사기 등 다양한 형사 사건 및 종중 부동산 거래, 공사대금 소송, 유치권 경매, 사해행위소송, 이혼소송, 유언장 작성 등 민사, 가사 사건., 검찰 수사 경력을 활용한 적극적인 사건 파악, 판검사가 인정하는 예리한 통찰과 분석, 의뢰인이 감동하는 치밀하고 꼼꼼한 서면이 강점. 대한한의사협회 고문, 식약청 어린이식생활안전관리위원회 위원, 식약청 규제개혁위원회 위원, 한국의료분쟁조정중재윈 감정위원

대한민국 검찰청, 검사

주요업무성과: 지적재산권, 의료, 건축, 부동산 등 다양한 전담 업무 및 살인 등 강력 사건, 강간 등 성폭력 사건, 사기, 횡령, 배임 등 재산죄 등 형사부 사건 두루 섭렵. 청산가리 자녀 살인 사건, 정신병원 강제입원 감금 사건, 경찰 공문서위조 등 사건, 사무장 병원 의료법 위반 사건 등. 경찰 팬을 거느린 자상한 수사지휘, 꼼꼼하고 깐깐한 수사, 깔끔한 결정이 트레이드마크인 형사부 베테랑 검사. 우수 형사부 선정 경력

사법연수원; 사법연수생

주요활동: 국제통상법학회 WTO 등 국제기구 방문 연수, 퍼블리시티권에 대한 연구 논문, Pro Bono 활동

제일국제특허법률사무소; 변리사

주요업무활동: Incoming 뿐만 아니라 Outgoing 사건도 취급하여 국문 명세서 작성, 국내발명의 해외 출원 업무까지 업무 영역 확대. Monsanto 성장호르몬 특허 소송 수행. 팀원 관리 감독

중앙국제특허법률사무소; 변리사

주요업무활동: 당시 국내 최대 특허사무소 근무로 전세계 수많은 거래처 의뢰의 Incoming 사건 관련 출원, 심판, 소송 및 자문 업무 수행. 직원 지도. 취급 업무의 양적 질적 다양성으로 지적재산권에 관한 거의 모든 업무 섭렵. 상급의 비즈니스 영문 작성 등 영어 소통 능력 습득


연수 경력
Oxford University; Visiting Academic
2009.07-2010. 07

활동내용: Center for Socio-Legal Studies 상주 연구원으로 각종 세미나, 강의 참석, 법원 소송 참관, 영국 검찰청, 영국 외무부 등 관련 부처 방문 및 네트워킹, 연수 논문 발표

Regent School, Student 

Business English(Advanced)

Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner ; 
Visiting Patent Attorney

활동내용: 특허출원서 등 출원 및 심판 관련 서류 작성, 특허소송 서류 작성 보조, 미국특허청, 미국특허법원 방문 및 네트워킹



Namkyoung, LEE
Address: 106-501 Banpo Riche Apt., Banpo-dong, Seocho-ku, Seoul, ROKPhone:  010-3472-2808 ·  E-mail: grataree@gmail.com
Seasoned patent and criminal lawyer with strong experience in public sector as a prosecutor and in private sector as a patent attorney and defense lawyer. Results-oriented and performance-driven professional with strong research, writing, and analytical abilities. Creative troubleshooter with the ability to quickly identify problems and implement practical solutions. Written and oral fluency in English. 

Korean Pharmacist
Korea Patent Attorney Bar 
Korean Bar Association

Lawyer- Namyoung LEE’S Law Office
• Litigation and legal advice service regarding civil and criminal affairs(narcortics etc.) and others.
• Legal study on US and UK law for better service in the area of Intellectual property and international commercial law. 
• Family law(alimony, child support, marital agreement etc.) 
Lawyer, Patent Attorney  - LAW FIRM DARAE          
2013. 11.-2015.05

• Legal service regarding IP(Intellectual Property) and Criminal affairs.
• Reversed KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office)’s decision regarding pioneer patents in DHA production area(Showed mature and refined strategies and skills in IP lawsuits). 
• Legal advice and help on ANDA approval applications under the Korean Drug Approval –Patent Linkage and its revolutionary reform in Korea. 
• Reversed a provisional decision on a design infringement lawsuit(Showed a remarkable talent for civil lawsuits)
• Legal service on Criminal Affairs(Led an issuance of search and seizure warrant for trade secrets infringement accuser. Led many rejections on arrest warrants for criminal defendants. Satisfied clients with successful and defenses supported by counterevidence through careful and diverse search and study 
• Acquired reputation for solving new matters with great searching skills and drawing creative reasoning and evidence-supported arguments in a short period in the Law Firm.  
• Famous for interest on new matters, systematic approach and excellent problem solving skills as a experienced and well-trained legal profession in the Korean Prosecution Office for about 10 years. 
Lawyer, Patent Attorney - Namkyoung Lee’s Law Office            2011.2.-2013.10.
• Successfully defended clients in criminal accusations, charges and trials in a variety of cases such as bribery, burglar rape, robbery, sexual harassment, drug abuse, frauds, embezzlement, breach of trust, hit and run accident etc. with favorable results including discharge, warrant rejection, acquittal, suspended sentence, reduced sentence etc. 
• High-profile cases: Bribery of the Busan district superintendent of education, Bribery of a Yanju city councilman, disabled child sexual molestation case, Bribery by breach of trust of a famous high school principal etc.   
• Satisfied clients in civil litigations with meticulous pleadings, motions and briefs and well-coordinated strategies and kind legal counseling. Led a rare case ruling of lien auction commencement for a lien holder. 
• Served as Legal Advisor of the Association of Korean Medicine, Committee member of Children’s Food Life Committee, Committee member of Regulatory Reform Committee in Korean Food and Drugs Administration, Medical Appraiser of Korean Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. 
• Pro Bono activities including free of charge counsel in various organizations
Visiting Academic - Oxford University, Oxford, UK        
• Visiting researcher of Center for Socio-Legal Studies affiliated with Department of Law. 
• Learned and researched general aspects of English criminal law and legal enforcement system and intellectual property law. 
• Focused on the privacy protection and intellectual property and cyber law in UK in comparison with Korean law.
• Networked with professors, academics and students interested in criminal law, criminology, international law and intellectual property law through seminars, meetings and parties etc. 
• Wrote a thesis on “The privacy protection in the UK criminal procedure.”
• Revamped and upgraded written and oral English.
Prosecutor - The Korean Prosecutors’ Office
•  Investigated and researched factual basis and applied relevant laws and court decisions to prosecute criminals and to prepare for trials on all kinds of cases from homicide to fraud, theft, traffic accidents and others.
•  Showed special expertise in investigating crimes related to medical malpractice, patents, utility models, trade secrets, trademarks, designs, other technology matters thanks to the technical backgrounds and work experience as a patent attorney.  
•  Distinguished as a good adviser to police officers and other junior prosecutors with extensive knowledge of the Criminal Justice and Law enforcement procedures and to- the-point instructions.
•  Team-Awarded the Best Crime Division of the Korea Prosecutor’s Office(KPO) in August, 2006.
•  Actively served as Leader of the Advisory Committee for Doctors in the City of Jinju, Leader of the Intellectual Property Advisory Committee for the City of Eujungbu etc.
Trainee Attorney - Judicial Research Training Institute, Seoul
•  Practice-oriented legal training with regard to civil, criminal and other law.
•  Extracurricular study on International Trade Law by participating International Trade Law Study Club and visiting international organizations such as WTO, WIPO and OECD in Europe.
•  Actively engaged in various Pro Bono activities of NGO’s.
Patent Attorney -  Firstlaw International Patent Law Firm, Seoul
• Provided proficient legal service to foreign clients by integrating vast work experience in the Central and the US study and work experience. 
• Expended work arena to provide legal support for Korean clients in acquiring US or other foreign patents through PCT etc. 
• Leadership training through experience as a team leader supervising team members.
Visiting Patent Attorney - Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, USA
•  Learned and experienced US patent prosecution and litigation practices through participating legal support in legal research and drafting legal documents for applications, appeals and litigations, visiting USPTO, CAFC etc. and exchanging opinions with US patent lawyers. 
•  Established relations with reliable US intellectual property lawyers.
•  Achieved oral fluency in English.
Patent Attorney -  Central International Patent Law Firm, Seoul        
• Acquired experience in all aspects of intellectual property law, including patentability, infringement, validity and freedom-to-operate searches and opinions, litigation support, and other legal counsel for trade secrets etc.
• Created and managed valuable patent and trademark portfolios in Korea, dealing with patent applications, oppositions, appeals and litigations in many technologies, including  biotechnology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, mechanical and electro-mechanical devices, and others for numerous foreign companies such as Dupont, Roche, Elly-Lilly, Hoechst, Ciba-Geigy, Schering etc.
• Developed written fluency in English.

Seoul National University, Department of Law
–  to be a Master of Law(course completed)
• In-depth discussion and study on new issues in the landscape of Korean law 
• Special attention on new issues with the advent of the internet era such as business model patent, domain name infringement, copyright aspects of downloading and streaming etc
• Built skills of academic research, team work research project management, conference presentation and discussion etc.
Franklin Pierce Law Center, U S A 
–  Master of Intellectual Property (MIP)
•  Studied American intellectual property law and practiced case works by drafting patent applications, appeals, licensing contracts and standing in moot court patent litigation competitions.  
•  Good Networking with lawyers and other professionals with interest on intellectual property law from many countries worldwide 
•  Greatly improved oral and written English communications skills.
Seoul National University, Department of Pharmacy
–  Bachelor of Pharmacy 
•  Acquired a wide compass of Knowledge on pharmacy, biology, chemistry, genetic engineering and others and built essential technical backgrounds for patent lawyers.
•  Graduated Summa Cum Laude with Distinction. Awarded university scholarships for general excellence.  
•  Extracurricular activities as an editor of the Pharmaceutical Department Editorial

References available upon request.

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